Designer, artist and researcher Zane Berzina gives artist talks, lectures and leads workshops at research centres, colleges, design companies and cultural organisations internationally.
Intelligent Textiles
Open Lecture "
Intelligent Textiles" at Design Research Lab, University of the Arts Berlin (UdK), Germany
BIO.Logics - Sustainable Design and Technology Concepts Inspired by Nature
Talk & Workshop
Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK
Transbiotics - Materialities of Textures
Artist talk and panel discussion
kim? / RIXC / VKN galleries at Spikeri, Riga, Latvia
Panel: Jens Hauser (DE/FR), Zane Berzina (LV/DE/UK), Paul Vanouse (USA)
Light & Static Shadows
Open lecture and panel discussion at the international seminar 'Designing Sensorial Hospitality Using Light as a Medium'
Kunsthochschule Berlin-Wessensee, Germany
Panel: Prof. Dr. Renno Nilton (Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan), Prof. Dr. Panu Martti Lehtovuori (Professor in Urban Studies, Estonian Academy of Arts / Co-founder of Livady Architects, Helsinki), Jackson Tan (Interactive Architect, in square Lab/Hopkins Architects, UK), Moderator: Prof. Masayo Ave
Smart Materials and Soft Technologies
Open lecture
Kunsthochschule Berlin-Wessensee, Germany
E-Static Shadows or Weaving an Electrostatic Mirror
Lecture at electronic-text+textiles (e-t+t), Riga, Latvia
Static Shadows
Open panel discussion. In conversation with architect Jackson Tan (Architect, in square Lab), Dr. Mark Miodownik (Materials Library, Kings College London), Frances Geesin, (Textiles and Materials, London College of Fashion), Steven A. Rogacki (Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan) and Sue Mossman, (Curator, Science Museum).
Dana Centre, Science Museum, London, UK.
Text-ile Connections
Lecture and workshop at the seminar series 'FOKUStextil', HAW Hamburg, Department Design, Germany
Surface and Experiment
Artist talk and Workshop at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK
Workshop Fashionable Technologies within the framework of the project e-MOTION at the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK)
Talk & workshop on smart textiles and skin for the project 'SKIN', PHILIPS DESIGN, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Lecture and workshop at the Academy of Media Arts of Cologne, Germany
Talk and workshop at the Swedish School of Textiles, University College of Borås, Sweden
Lecture and workshop at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn, Department of Textiles, Estonia
Art and Science seminar
Artist talk and panel discussion.
British Council, Riga, Latvia in collaboration with the Swedish School of Economics in Riga.
Panel: Dr. Ken Arnold (Wellcome Trust, London), Dr. Mark Miodownik (Materials Library, Kings College London) and Dr. Zane Berzina.
Artist talk at Hexagram, Institute for Research and Creation in Media Arts and Technologies, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
Artist talk at the seminar 'Materials, Fashion & Design' at Queen Mary University of London, Department of Materials
Artist talk at the 'Fashion Science Workshop', London College of Fashion in collaboration with IMI, The Intelligent Media Institute
Artists' talks and masterclasses at Zijdelings Textile Centre, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Images from the Fashionable Technologies workshop within the framework of the project e-MOTION at the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK)